Institute of Oriental Management


The Institute of Oriental Management was established on December 9, 2006 with an aim to establish a global research base for eastern management disciplines. In line with the education philosophy of  carrying forward the advantages of foreign language teaching, cultivating international talents, the center intends to cultivate high-level, innovative and international business management talents with global vision, familiar with international political and economic conditions and intercultural experience, and to further promote the discipline development of our bachelor of Industry & Business Administration, master of Business Administration and the first-level doctor program of Industry & Business Administration. The center is mainly to carry out the scientific research and teaching activities, business consulting, corporate senior talents training, teaching materials of management compiling and writing, translation, and case east, held an international BBS management, oriental management textbooks compiling and writing, translations and cases, promote the academic exchanges of oriental management, create an oriental management discipline with the characteristics of global management, in order to further expand and develop the influence of the oriental management ideas, both at home and abroad.

The institute is the China liaison office of the IFSAM China committee. Since its establishment, it has actively carried out domestic and foreign academic exchanges, researches and undertaken a number of scientific research projects. In 2008, 2010 and 2018, the research center held IFSAM international management conference respectively in Fudan University, the French National Art College (Paris) and SISU. The center also assisted the 12th to the 25nd (2008-2021) the World Management Forum or Oriental Management Forum. In addition, the center has published 8 series of conference proceedings in authoritative journals such as Management World and published more than 700 papers in total.  The team members have published more than 80 papers in important journals and Magazines such as Management World, Journal of Management, World Economic Journal, Wen Hui, and Liberation Daily, also compiled 17 management cases, 5 of which were selected as 100 excellent management cases in Chinaby the national MBA Education Steering Committee, published books like Oriental Management, A History of Academic Thoughts of Chinese Management, Theory and Application of the Business Model of Oriental Management, and also undertook the National Social Science Key Projects , National Natural Science Fund, National Social Science Fund, the National Social Science, National Social Science Chinese Translation Project and Planning Project of MOE and other important scientific research projects.

550 Dalian Road (W), Shanghai 200083, China
1550 Wenxiang Road, Shanghai 201620, China