Enrollment Guidelines of 2019 Summer Camp for Outstanding Students


1. Introduction

Founded in December 1949, Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) is the first high-level foreign language school established after the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Born as a university jointly established by both state and local authorities and directly under the Ministry of Education, SISU has grown into a national key university included in both the “211 Project” and “Double First-Classinitiative.

Since its founding, SISU has always maintained its academic advantages and high-level scientific research and teaching. It has the largest number of first-level doctoral programs among other language study institutes. Numerous disciplines have been assessed as A+ according to the Ministry of Education's discipline assessment standard and many have obtained top rankings in QS’s ranking of universities worldwide. For years SISU has also enrolled competitive students from all over the country and its minimum entry requirement for the 2017 college entrance examination scores the 17th in the country.

Since 1985, SBM has stood firmly at the forefront of academics, cultivated generations of international and extraordinary individuals and attracted an academic team of dreamers, foreseers and doers. It has gradually introduced talents from world-class universities such as the University of Pennsylvania, Georgia Institute of Technology, and the University of Cambridge, and has established a team of outstanding educators led by Changjiang scholars, scholars from “the Thousand Talents Plan“, Eastern Scholars (The Program for Professor of Special Appointment at Shanghai Institutions of Higher Learning) and chief experts on Major Projects of National Sciences Fund. Together as one, the school faculty will jointly bring disciplines to a higher ground and establish a well-designed cultivation system in line with the national strategy, building an international school flanked by scientific method and greater vision. Up to now, the SBM has grown into the best management school of its kind through the unremitting efforts of school faculty.

2. Research Direction

The Master of Business Administration is a first-class discipline listed in the first-class discipline project led by Shanghai municipality and a key subject of SISU. There are six research directions: 

Research   Direction

Research Details

Consumer   behavior and neural decision

This direction mainly uses the interdisciplinary research methods such as consumer psychology and cognitive neuroscience technology to observe and study the brain activities and various psychological and physiological indicators of decision makers at managerial level, and solve the difficulties in traditional management study. The research contents of this direction include consumer behavior,management decisions, organizational behavior and business ethics, etc.

Corporate   Strategy and cross-cultural  management

This direction focuses on issues faced by companies in international business communication and cross-cultural management when it comes to cross-border operation. The research contents of this direction includes international business environment, strategic management of international enterprise, international human resource management, comparative research of East and West management, cross-cultural communication and management, etc.

Fin-tech,   accounting and corporate finance

This direction is a combined research on information science and the financial industry, focusing on the latest developments and important genres of financial technology, accounting and corporate finance. Its main focus is how those breakthroughs in information science such as big   data, cloud computing, block chains and artificial intelligence influence the financial and accounting industry.

Information management and digital marketing

This direction focuses on   the application of digital   technology in marketing. Research   issues include search engine marketing,   digital marketing   strategies, and core issues such as building effective     relationships with consumers through social media.

Intelligent   operation and supply chain management

This direction focuses on research issues in operations and supply chain management against the backdrop of digital economy and  how companies use the Internet, the Internet of Things and other technologies to optimize company operations and supply chain management.

Digital public   relations

This direction focuses on the frontier research issues in public relations against the backdrop of digital economy. Its research contents include the integrated communication of enterprises, the crisis communication between various organizations and theories in international public relations.

 3. Application guide for the summer camp

1Time: 2019.7.8-2019.7.14

2Planned slots: 60

3) Admissions: Senior students (graduated in 2020), preferred majors include economics, management, psychology and science and engineering. Students with other professional background are also welcomed

4. Application Pre-requisites

1) Excellent academic performance: In principle, the GPA of the applicant should remain the top 15% in the first 5 semesters (except for extremely outstanding applicants who display extraordinary abilities on a comprehensive scale).

 2) Excellent general behavior: applicants should have a strong interest in the management major in our school, and be ambitious to engage in relevant research and management.

 3) Strong mathematical and analytical skills and fluent English (both oral and written) are required.

5. Application Process

1) Students who wish to join this summer camp should log in the Graduate Admissions System (website: yzmis.shisu.edu.cn/) during June 1st to 15th, 2019. Fill in the relevant information according to the requirements of each department and upload corresponding attachments.

2) All application materials will be assessed by a special team at SIBM. The final entry list will be published before June 21, 2019 in the registration system and relevant applicants will be notified as soon as it becomes available.

6. Agenda





Opening   Ceremony


Lecture:   Combination of Modeling and Empirical Methodology


Written test:   Mathematics



Lecture:   Application of Stochastic Optimization in   Operation Management


Introduction   of SBM’s graduate program(session 1 )


Written Test:   Management and English



Introduction   of SBM’s graduate program(session 2 )


Introduction   of SBM’s graduate program(session 3 )



Course:     Frontier Research Method of Management (1)




Course:   Frontier Research   Method of Management (2)


Interview(camper     number 1-30)



LectureText   analytics: an introduction to concepts and research   in MIS


Interview(camper     number 31-60)



LectureBehavioral   Experimental Methodology for Management   Research


Closing Ceremony

7. Financial Aid

The SBM provides free accommodation and comprehensive accident insurance for each personnel.

Transportation expenses are not covered.

8. Assessment and Performance Evaluation

1) Final Score= 60%* written test scores (20% in management, mathematics, and English respectively) +40% * interview results.

2) Selection of “Excellent Camper”

 1)) Campers who have obtained the qualifications for evaluation are evaluated according to their final scores, among which the top 25 will be honored as “excellent campers”

2)) Campers who are up for the evaluation must complete all aspects of the assessment process; or he or she will be disqualified.

9. Notes

1) Please ensure that the information you submit is true, accurate and valid. Anyone who provides false information will be disqualified immediately.

2) This summer camp is the only way through which the School of International Business Management selects recommended candidates who are exempt from the 2020 national admission examination.

 3) The “Excellent Campers” of the summer camp are required to secure a formal recommendation from their undergraduate universities. At the same time, they still need to register in the national service system for recommended candidates(expected to open after September.10th or September.20th), apply for Shanghai International Studies University and complete the corresponding procedures such as receiving and confirming the final exam invitation and admission notice according to the actual timeline.

Please pay attention to the announcement of the Graduate School Admissions Website of SISU and the National Graduate Admissions Information Website.

10. Contact information

1) Tel: 021-67701402, 021-67701300

2) Consultation time: 9:00-11:30, 13:00-16:30
 3) Enquiry email: sbmapply@shisu.edu.cn
 4) Contact: Mrs. Yuan, Mrs. Hu

School of  Business and Management

Shanghai International Studies University



550 Dalian Road (W), Shanghai 200083, China
1550 Wenxiang Road, Shanghai 201620, China