SBM successfully completed the pre evaluation of first-class undergraduate majors


  Recently, SBM at SISU successfully completed the pre evaluation of first-class undergraduate majors. Under the careful organization of the school's academic affairs office, this evaluation was officially launched in April 2024, aiming to comprehensively evaluate the achievements of SBM's first-class undergraduate major construction. Professor Zhu Jianming, Director of the Academic Affairs Office of Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, served as the leader of the evaluation expert group. Professor Sun Xingwen, Deputy Director of the Academic Affairs Office of Fudan University, Professor Fan Xiaojun, Head of the Department of Business Administration at the School of Management of Shanghai University, Professor Goryeo from the Sydney School of Business and Economics of Shanghai University of Technology, and Professor Xiong Yan, Dean of the School of Economics and Management of Shanghai University of Applied Sciences, served as external experts. Xia Qing, Senior Engineer, Secretary of the Party Branch of the School of Information Technology Center, Professor Deng Weijia, Vice Dean of the School of Excellence, and Professor Gao Yilan, Vice President of Sanya College (currently serving SISU), participated in the offline inspection and evaluation work as.

Expert offline evaluation

  This evaluation work is divided into two stages: online evaluation and offline inspection. During the online evaluation stage, SBM submitted a detailed professional construction report and self-evaluation materials, comprehensively showcasing the construction achievements and characteristics of each major. The expert group reviewed undergraduate papers, course outlines, test papers, graduates' employment destinations and other materials, and comprehensively understood the talent cultivation work of the three first-class undergraduate majors through online lectures, online discussions and other methods. On May 7th, the expert group conducted on-site inspections of the teaching and education situation of three majors, listened to reports on the professional construction of SBM, and comprehensively evaluated the teaching staff, curriculum design, practical teaching, student development, educational conditions, equipment resources, and other aspects of the first-class undergraduate majors of the college through literature review, on-site inspections, and discussions and exchanges.

Expert group conducts on-site inspection of equipment resources

  The expert group fully affirmed the fruitful achievements of SBM in the digital transformation and construction of majors, and put forward valuable suggestions on platform construction, curriculum design, student employment, and other aspects. Professor Ma Baojun, Vice Dean (in charge) of SBM, expresses sincere gratitude on behalf of the school to the expert group for their hard work and meticulous guidance! Professor Ma Baojun stated that SBM will continue to focus on two major areas in the future, with the mission of serving the "great nation", the principle of "people-oriented", the opportunity of digital transformation, and the goal of enhancing students' research and employment abilities. Through measures such as improving platform construction, optimizing the teacher training team, and optimizing the curriculum system, SBM will strengthen professional construction, improve talent cultivation level, and continuously improve the quality of professional construction. SBM will conduct specialized learning based on the evaluation results, analyze deficiencies in depth, summarize experiences seriously, promote teaching and learning through evaluation, and continuously improve the overall level of education and teaching in SBM.

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